ICA Global Assembly in Delhi: Launching the International Year of Cooperatives and Addressing Global Tipping Points

The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) Global Assembly took place in Delhi, India, from November 25 to 30, 2024, marking the official launch of the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives. The event brought together 3,000 co-operators and was attended by prominent figures, including the Prime Ministers of India, Mr. Narendra Modi; Fiji, Hon Manoa S N Kamikamika; and Bhutan, Mr Tshering Tobgay, as well as ICA President Mr. Ariel Guarco and members of the Global Board. The conference, organized by the Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative (IFFCO) and ICA’s 18 member organizations in India, set the stage for critical discussions on the role of cooperatives in shaping the future. 

In his opening remarks, the Prime Minister of India emphasized the essential role of cooperatives in fostering collaboration and shared ownership. He described these values as key to building a sustainable and inclusive future, underscoring their relevance in addressing the global challenges we face today. 

Facing the Tipping Points: The Path of Cooperative Innovation 

This year’s assembly also introduced a forward-looking theme for the Global Innovation Coop Summit (GICS): “The Tipping Points – The Path of Cooperative Innovation.” Enterprises worldwide are navigating critical junctures in human history, requiring decisive and innovative action. Cooperatives and mutuals are uniquely positioned to make a positive impact by addressing these tipping points collaboratively. 

The urgency of these challenges was highlighted by the ongoing global pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. While achieving these objectives remains an ideal target, uncertainties persist as the world approaches critical tipping points. To meet these challenges, cooperatives must innovate across all dimensions of their work: in their workplaces, production methods, and the services they offer to their members, communities, and future generations. Innovation is no longer optional; it is essential. 

As interconnected risks demand interconnected solutions, cooperatives have the opportunity to generate positive local impacts that resonate globally. The 2025 GICS, to be held at Caixa Agrícola in Torres Vedras, Portugal, on October 27–28, will explore these challenges and propose pathways to innovation. 

During the ICA Global Assembly, GICS showcased its upcoming program and introduced the newly founded International Cooperative Innovation Network (icin.coop). This cooperative will act as the driving force behind the summit and its Community of Practice, facilitating collaboration among co-operators worldwide. Our co-founders, Howard Brodsky and Aaron Stewart, were on-site to share their vision and invite participation in this transformative initiative. 

As we mark the International Year of Cooperatives, let’s embrace our collective responsibility to contribute to a better world. Stay tuned for the GICS program, which will be revealed soon, and join us in shaping the cooperative innovation landscape. 

Reach out to learn more about the GICS, the Community of Practice, and the benefits of becoming a member of ICIN coop! 

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